岩蔵の宿 儘多屋に泊まる


Established in 1883, MAMADAYA was a hot spring resort for villagers and operated as an inn for passing merchants at the time. Time has passed, and now people from the city come here to seek healing in the nature of the countryside. The stylish interior, which makes use of materials and tools from the old days, is popular with foreign tourists.

  • 部屋数
    Number of rooms


  • 温泉(鉱泉)入浴可能時間
    Hot spring (mineral spring) bathing times

    p.m 4:00―pm 10:00,a.m 7:00―a.m 10:00
    ※Only guests staying at the hotel can use the baths.

  • チェックイン

    p.m 3:00

  • チェックアウト

    a.m 11:00

  • プラン
    Accommodation plans

    プラン 1泊2食付き/1泊朝食付き/素泊まり
    1 night with 2 meals/1 night with breakfast/overnight only
    ※Vegan options not available

Guest rooms (all with toilets)

  • Room1 筧(Kakei)


    Japanese-style room with 10 tatami mats

  • Room2 山雀(Yamagara:)


    Japanese-style room with 10 tatami mats

  • Room3 あじさい(Ajisai)

    洋室8帖 (ベッド2つ)

    Western-style room (2 beds)

  • Room4 松(Matsu)


    Japanese-style room (6 tatami mats + flooring)

  • Room5 山吹(Yamabuki)


    Japanese-style room with 8 tatami mats

  • Room6 さくら(Sakura)


    Japanese-Western room (Western-style room with 2 beds + Japanese-style room with 6 tatami mats)


Highlights of IWAKURA

  • うえんでー


    通称「うえんでい」と呼ばれる丘の上には縄文時代中期の暮らしの遺跡が。 春には満開の桜。夏には爽やかな風が頬をかすめます。陽当たりがよく小川が流れ、土も豊か。さすが、古代の縄文人は良い場所を見つけたものです。 目を瞑って、縄文時代に思いを馳せてみてはいかがでしょうか。この場所は昭和41年に青梅市の史跡に指定された文化財です。

    On top of a hill commonly known as "Uendei" are ruins of life from the middle Jomon period.
    In spring, the cherry blossoms bloom in full bloom. In summer, a fresh breeze brushes against your cheeks. The place is sunny, has a stream running through it, and the soil is fertile. As you'd expect, the ancient Jomon people found a great spot.
    Why not close your eyes and let your thoughts wander to the Jomon period? This place was designated a historic site by Ome City in 1966 and is a cultural asset.

  • 大岩


    大岩は立川断層の始まりとされており、高さは5、6メートルの断層が地表に出ているのが見どころです。ヤマトタケルタケルが東征の折、身の安全を祈願して武具をこの大きな岩の隙間に納めたという伝説が残っており、これが「岩蔵」という地名の由来となっています。岩蔵の北端、成木集落との境界に聳え立っている大岩は、現在でも岩蔵住民の心の拠りどころとなっており、訪れるとどこか心が洗われ、落ち着くような神聖な佇まいです。 また、ヤマトタケルがこの地を訪れた際に、岩蔵に湧く鉱泉で戦いの傷を癒したいう伝説も残っています。

    The large rock is said to be the beginning of the Tachikawa Fault, and the 5-6 meter high fault line protruding from the ground is a must-see. Legend has it that when Yamato Takeru set out on his eastern expedition, he placed his weapons in the gap of this large rock to pray for his safety, which is how the place name "Iwakura" came about. The large rock, which stands on the border with the Nariki settlement at the northern end of Iwakura, is still a source of spiritual comfort for the residents of Iwakura today, and its sacred presence is somehow soothing and calming to visit.
    There is also a legend that when Yamato Takeru visited this area, he healed his battle wounds in the mineral springs that well up in Iwakura.

  • 花木園



    The park is a natural forest that has been left untouched, and visitors can enjoy nature observation and strolls. It also has a complex playground and a 211-meter-long roller slide, making it fun for people of all ages.


  • 7月下旬 Late July

    愛宕神社・御精進日待 Atago Shrine, Onshojin-himachi

    フセギのワラジの日です Open for viewing
    It's Fusegi Waraji Day

  • 9月下旬 Late September

    熊野神社祭礼 Kumano Shrine Festival

    関係者のみの祭礼ですが、前夜と当日に灯される灯ろうはとても幽玄です。 Open for viewing
    This festival is open only to those involved, but the lanterns lit on the eve and on the day itself are very mysterious.

  • 12月上旬 Early December

    御狗様日待 Oinusama Events

    以前は女人禁制でしたが、現在は男女関係なく見学可能です Open for viewing
    Previously women were not allowed to enter, but now both men and women can visit.

Iwakura Experience